How To Freeze Flounder Fillets

Have you ever caught several flounder and wanted to save them for later? Well, it’s easier than you’d think! This easy guide will walk you through how to freeze flounder fillets, ensuring they keep their fresh, delicious flavor.

Don’t let your precious catch go to waste. Let’s get started!

Here are some tips for freezing flounder fillets: 

➡️Wash the fish well with cold, running water and pat dry 

➡️Wrap the fish tightly in plastic wrap or a similar moisture and vapor-proof material

➡️Keep as much air out of the storage container as possible

➡️Over-wrap packaged fish with freezer paper or aluminum foil to protect the plastic wrap 

➡️Place the fish in zippered plastic freezer bags 

➡️Press the bag gently to remove the air

➡️Seal the bag 

➡️You can also freeze the fish in a shallow metal, foil, or plastic pan and cover it with water

➡️To prevent freezer burn, wrap the container in freezer paper after it is frozen 


Why should I freeze flounder?

Freezing flounder allows you to store this delicate fish for an extended period without losing much of its flavor or texture. It’s a great way to manage excess or enjoy off-season flounder.

How should I prepare the flounder before freezing?

Before freezing, clean the flounder thoroughly and cut it into fillets. Pat the fillets dry to minimize ice crystal formation which can damage the fish’s texture.

Do I need to cook the flounder before freezing?

No, you should freeze flounder fillets raw. Cooking before freezing can make the fish dry and tough once defrosted.

How long can I keep frozen flounder?

If properly frozen, flounder fillets can last up to six months in the freezer without a significant loss of quality. Remember, the quicker it’s used, the fresher it will taste.

How do I defrost flounder?

The best way is to move the frozen fillets to the refrigerator and let them thaw overnight. Never defrost flounder at room temperature as it can lead to bacterial growth.

Can I refreeze flounder once it’s been defrosted?

It’s generally not recommended to refreeze thawed flounder as this can degrade the quality and potentially increase the risk of foodborne illness.

How do I prevent freezer burn?

Freezer burn can be prevented by removing as much air as possible from the packaging before freezing. Vacuum sealing is the most effective method, but tightly wrapping in plastic wrap and foil can also work.

Is it safe to eat flounder that has freezer burn?

Yes, it’s safe but the taste and texture might be off. Freezer burn is a result of dehydration and oxidation, it doesn’t make the fish unsafe but it can make it dry and tasteless.

Can I cook frozen flounder directly?

Yes, flounder can be cooked from frozen, although it might take slightly longer. Be sure to cook it evenly to ensure it’s safe to eat.

What’s the best way to package flounder for freezing?

Vacuum sealing is the best way to package flounder for freezing as it removes most of the air and creates a tight seal. If that’s not available, wrapping in plastic wrap and foil can also be effective.

Why does my frozen flounder have a strong fishy smell?

A strong fishy smell could indicate that the flounder wasn’t fresh when it was frozen or it’s been stored too long. Always freeze flounder as quickly as possible after catching or buying to retain its fresh smell and taste.

Can I freeze a whole flounder?

Yes. However, it takes up more space and is harder to defrost evenly compared to fillets. Plus, fillets are often more convenient to use in recipes.

Why does frozen flounder sometimes have a mushy texture?

The texture can change if the fish wasn’t properly prepared before freezing, or if it was defrosted improperly. Rapid temperature changes can break down the cell walls in the fish, leading to a mushy texture. To avoid this, always defrost flounder slowly in the refrigerator.